Tuesday, March 19th, 2013



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Cynopsis: Kids!

Good morning. It’s Tuesday, March 19, 2013, and this is your first early morning briefing.

Today’s Top Headlines
We’ve got kids news covered for you daily during Upfront season…

The Powerpuff Girls will return to Cartoon Network this summer in a special that reunites the feisty trio in their first new network programming since 2005. Here’s Cartoon president Stu Snyder on bringing back Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup: “When I ended up in my chair here I got asked almost on a daily basis, When are you bringing back the Powerpuff Girls? It was ferocious–a big, big topic,” the network president tells CynKids. “It was always in the back of my mind but I didn’t want to bring it back too soon.”
     Does the special signal any changing of the programming gender guard at the boy-centric network?  Not really. “The Powerpuff girls played well with boys when we ran it originally,” Snyder says. “There are enough things in the show that it will be of both boy and girl interest. At Cartoon Network we always do boys, and invite girls. With this show, maybe it’s girls first, inviting boys. We aren’t abandoning our core strategy of the entry point being boys. We’re just looking for the best shows.”
     When asked about a series resurgence, Snyder’s not making any promises-yet. “We’ll see the reaction from the audience to the special, we’ll track it, do a whole lot on social media and go from there,” he says. Pre-special anticipation is buzzing. “It’s one of the shows that gets the biggest reaction in these meetings,” he says of Cartoon’s current Upfront gatherings with key clients and promotional partners around the country. “We’ve had more than one set of partners say, I have to have my brand signed on. You just see the smiles light up in the room.”

Programming Picks

Feather in their cap: Canada’s Teletoon will begin airing one Angry Birds Toons short every Saturday at 9:57 a.m. The traditional-distribution-eschewing new series from Angry Birds creator Rovio premiered March 16 and includes an initial 52 animated shorts. New episodes of Angry Birds Toons will also be available on teletoon.com.

Viacom International Media Networks preschool series Bubble Guppies is headed for the U.K.’s Channel 5. The channel will broadcast the series on its popular programming strand Milkshake! Beginning this spring 2013, and Nickelodeon will roll out a complementary multi-category Bubble Guppies consumer product range in the U.K. beginning in late summer including publishing, toys, software and home entertainment.

Aussie kids content developer Chocolate Liberation Front’s CGI series The Adventures of Figaro Pho extended its reach to more than 80 countries thanks to new sales to Canal+, HBO Czech, BBC Kids Canada, and Cartoon Network South and Latin America. To support the global growth, CLF this week is releasing the Figaro Pho: Creatures & Critters touch-screen game for iPhone, iPad and for Android devices.

Licensing News

Fox International’s BabyTV has signed its first apparel licensing agreements, with retailer La Polar and clothing company Apolo Zona Libre. BabyTV-inspired clothing for infants and toddlers is slated for retail launch this year in select countries across Latin America. Both agreements were negotiated by BabyTV’s agent P&L Global and Fox Licensing & Merchandising.

U.K. apparel company Poeticgem will develop a line of sleepwear based on the Pac-Man brand thanks to a new deal with Namco Bandai Games Inc.

More Kids News

Cheers to the U.K.’s CBBC’s Newsround and BBC Learning, which today launches a competition encouraging schoolchildren to design an invention to solve a problem they themselves identify. The contest is inspired by CBBC show Absolute Genius With Dick & Dom, which will showcase the best four inventions and profiles of their creators before the teams pitch their ideas head to a panel of celebrity invention experts for judging. The winning invention gets professionally made and showcased on Newsround. Entries are due by May 24th.

Child’s Play Communications, celebrating its 25th anniversary in the business of connecting moms with children’s brands, has announced a 20% increase in staffing and a move to larger HQ in New York. The company, which has repped brands including Warner Bros., Disney and Reading Rainbow, is also launching a redesigned web site, bolstering client services and expanding into other niche markets.

Madrid’s Zinkia Entertainment series Pocoyo will serve a third term as Earth Hour’s Global Kids’ Ambassador, spreading word about the initiative to reach kids through a new partnership with the Ocean Defenders Alliance Organization. Earth Hour 2013, the global initiative in partnership with the World Wildlife Fund, will take place from 8:30-9:30 p.m. on March 23. At that time in Spain, individuals, businesses, governments and communities are invited to turn out their lights for one hour to show their support for environmentally sustainable action. 

Executive Moves

Craig Herman joins Iconix Brand Group as executive director of publishing for Peanuts Worldwide and Iconix Entertainment. Effective immediately, Herman will guide the editorial content for the Peanuts global publishing program and drive the company’s blend of physical books, ebooks and apps. Herman joins Iconix from Running Press, where he was part of the team that acquired properties including Peanuts and Comedy Central books.


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Answer to Yesterday’s Trivia Question:
What is the longest-running animated series in the U.S.? The Simpsons. Kudos to: Jane Pook/NY; Jerry A. Kapner-Kapner Group/Montclair, NY; Hilary Wolk-Heads Up Creative/NY; Fred Petrosino-JBG/Jupiter, FL; Deedra L. Roberts-Turner Broadcasting/Atlanta; David Larson-CBS Television/NYC; Scott Jenkins-Tribune Media Services/Queensbury, NY; Chris Devine Dailey-Simply Devine Marketing Group/Deposit NY; Tom Potter-Radio Disney/NY; Michael Ratliffe-B.E.T. Networks/NYC; Russ Camlet-NBCU/NY; Meryl Schumacker-PBS KIDS/Arlington; Heather R. Floore-CW33 – KDAF-TV/Dallas; Mike Patterson-Turner Digital/Chicago; Pat Brady-CESD/LA; Richard Quan-BSSP/San Francisco; Lou Fazio-the Hub/Burbank; Matthew C. Bergeron-Disney Channels Worldwide/Burbank; Jimmy Huynh-Toon Goggles Inc/LA; Carol Roeder-lucasfilm ltd/LA; Michael Ross-Threshold Animation Studios/Santa Monica; Stephen Kelley-9 Story Entertainment/Toronto.

Today’s Trivia Question: What iconic costumed character from a children’s series launched in the late ’60s was originally created for the HemisFair world’s fair in 1968? (Email [email protected] with your answer and be sure to include your name, company, city and time zone.)

Cheers — Cathy
[email protected] for Cynopsis Kids!

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JOB OPENING: EXECUTIVE PRODUCER/THE WEATHER CHANNEL/ATL: 8+ yrs live TV/copy edit/write/produce. 2 opngs: 1.Oversee morning programming/Network Exp a must. 3am-12pm 2. Wknd EP/cable or ntwrk bckgrnd. Apply: www.weather.com/careers (3/26)

JOB OPENING: VP BRAND MKT/COMEDY CENTRAL/NYC: Oversee off-channel mktg & dvlp strategic/innovative/creative mktg plans for key launches. 10-15 yrs mktg exp + BA deg. Dig mktg background a must. More info/apply here. (3/23)

JOB OPENING: VP, AD SALES OPERATIONS/TVONE/NY or MD Base TBD: BA req’d. Min 10 yrs exp TV Sales Ops & min 3 yrs exp Sales Ops Mgmt. Strategic & Tact Mgmt. Resp for execution of ad sales orders. Mng/oversee traffic sys. Visit www.TVONEjobs.com (3/23)

JOB OPENING: MGR, BRAND MKTG/NASCAR/Daytona Beach: Asst w/ dvlpmnt & implementation of the annual Brand mktg & Comm Plan. BA degree five (5) + yrs exp Brand/Advertising/Marketing/Sports Mktg. Apply http://employment.nascar.com (3/23)

JOB OPENING: VP DIGITAL/VIACOM INT’L/NYC or LONDON based: Mng overall central Y&M Prod Portfolio, Content & Creative dir. BA deg w/10-15 yrs of functional exp Brand or Product Mngmnt. Full info/apply: viacomcareers.com (3/23)

JOB OPENING: ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE/ION Media Networks/NY: National network sales; 5+ yrs exp TV adv, proven track record of increasing revenue at high CPM. Est client base; team player. Apply at [email protected] EOE (3/23)

JOB OPENING: LOG COORD/TV ONE/MD: BA pref’d. 2 yrs exp brdcst cable log Ops. Mng On-air prgm log, playlist delivery &reconciliation of logs. Resp, meeting delivery sched deadlines & directing sales/promotion dept. Det-oriented, MS Office. Visit www.TVONEjobs.com (3/23)

JOB OPENING: AD SALES PARTNERSHIPS MGR/A&E/A+E Networks/NY: Persuasively sell ideas & value based propositions to agencies, clients, planner & internal network stakeholders. Full Info/Apply: http://www.aenetworks.com/careers (3/23)

JOB OPENING: SR MGR PRODUCTION/Lifetime Mktg/A+E Networks/NY: Oversee projects from conception to delivery for Lifetime Brand Creative marketing team. Full Info/Apply: http://www.aenetworks.com/careers (3/23)

JOB OPENING: COUNSEL, BUS & LEGAL AFF/MLBNtwrk/NJ: Strong undrstndng of legal issues related to media & IP. Strong negotiation & drafting skills.Min 3 yrs exp in legal media/entrtnmnt reqrd. JD requird. Resume: [email protected] (3/23)

JOB OPENING: SR SUPERVISING PRD/SFO: – Oversee/manage a variety shows. Must hv 10 yrs exp in producing TV +3 years managing prod teams. Must be strong leader, organized, able to inspire [email protected] (3/23)

JOB OPENING: MGR AD SALES OPS/Taxi Magic/Alexandria, VA: Mng sales ops for in-taxi video provider.  Resp all sales ops, rep interface, agency reptg. Exp in ad sales ops req’d, pref’bly in DOOH.  Apply here: https://taximagic.com/en_US/about/careers (3/22)

JOB OPENING: DIGITAL ACCT EXECUTIVE/A+E Networks/NY: Sell A+E Networks suite of multi-platform advertising opportunities within assigned territory to agencies/clients. Full Info/Apply: http://www.aenetworks.com/careers (3/22)

JOB OPENING: DIR, AD OPS/AMC/NYC: Drive Digital Ad Ops strategy, yield mgmt, identify/build dig sales platforms partners. Technical & marketplace knwldg of Dig/Advd Platform ad products. Submit res @ http://tinyurl.com/cmq799m (3/21)

JOB OPENING  MGR, CLIENT SOLUTIONS/USATODAY/NY: Develop integrated marketing solutions for USATODAY. Must be creative, with big ideas, digital. Resume to: [email protected] (3/21)

JOB OPENING  REGIONAL SALES MGR/Santa Monica: Self-starter who can jump in, learn the business, work collaboratively w/the team, own key relationships and start closing deals. Details & to apply: http://www.Click2Apply.net/q27bhkw (3/21)

JOB OPENING: AD OPS EXECUTIVE/DISH Sales/Denver: Lead traffic and ops efforts of DISH Media Sales, incl. scheduling, insertion, and delivery of linear and digital advertising spots. Apply at – http://tinyurl.com/agg87v3 (3/20)

JOB OPENING:  NETWORK SALES COORD/TVGN/NY: Ad sales coord. Work w/AEs, planners, sales, traffic, mrktg, price & plan teams. Deal maintenance; allocations; move reqsts; communicate w/agencies. College degree pref’d [email protected] (3/20)

JOB OPENING: VP, DVLPMT/LA: Solid writing skills/sharp intellect a must as well as 5-7 years exp. w/netw, prod, agts, & talent. Exp mgr. dvlpmt team, sincere interest in non-scripted tv. Send res: [email protected] (3/19)

INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. These ads are always posted for free, and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at [email protected].

SITUATION WANTED ADS, POSTED BY THOSE LOOKING TO BE HIRED… There is no charge for placing your Situation Wanted ad… for more information contact Trish Pihonak at [email protected].

SITUATION WANTED: Ambitious PUBLICIST in LA: seeks F/T position in promotions, film, entertainment, music, brand or lifestyle firm. Solid pitching, writing and results. Please Contact: [email protected] (3/23)

SITUATION WANTED: SENIOR MARKETING EXEC with 15+ years experience; 8 in the digital space. Seeks Director or VP Marketing opportunity, F/T or freelance. [email protected] (3/23)

SITUATION WANTED: REALITY/DOCU-SOAP/COMEDY SHOW RUNNER/NY-STAMFORD: TV/Digital team leader with proven track record with MTV, HGTV, BET, SHO, TV LAND is available for a new project. Contact: [email protected] (3/23)

SITUATION WANTED: STRONG WRITER/EDITOR/PRODUCER & MMA GEEK: L.A. seeks FT position with cable network or prod. company. Passionate about MMA, also interested in working for UFC or Bellator. Willing to relocate. [email protected] (3/23)

SITUATION WANTED: TALK SHOW FIELD PRODUCER/L.A. Credits include THE JEFF PROBST SHOW and KATIE. Email: Jason White — [email protected] (3/22)

E-mail [email protected] or call Trish Pihonak at 888.702.3858 for rates and specs for Job Openings.

Are you looking for a job? Post your Situation Wanted Ad here — Email [email protected] for specs.

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