Thursday, October 4th, 2007


The Cynopsis Foundation Inc. thanks all those who are sponsoring or have already reserved their tickets to our October 23rd Charity Dinner & Auction in NYC in support of Kids in Need and EarthEcho International:

A&E, CABLEready/CableU, Retirement Living TV, Animal Planet/Discovery Channel, Hallmark Channel, Rainbow Media, Sundance Channel, HBO, Court TV, HT Capital Advisors, Nielsen Media Research, Certainly Studios, Warner Bros. Domestic Cable Distribution, NFL Network, The Dovetail Group

Thank you! And thanks to those who are unable to attend, but have sent in a donation.
See you on the 23rd – we’re going to have a great time!
— Cyn

Cynopsis: DIGITAL


Good Morning, it’s Thursday, October 4, 2007 and this is your first early morning digital briefing. 

NBC Universal CEO Jeff Zucker called for tougher penalties against media pirates in an address to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce yesterday claiming, “Today we are losing the battle.” He cited a new study from the pro-industry Institute for Policy Innovation as evidence, which estimates nearly $60 million and 375,000 jobs are lost annually because of copyright infringement. Mr. Zucker would like to see IP enforcement departments created by Congress to police the internet, advertisers stop providing financial support to illegal sites and web 2.0 companies provide better filtering technologies.


Turner Broadcasting System
‘s New Products Group inked a one-year deal with Atlanta-based Kaneva to build virtual world extensions for its entertainment networks. The plan is to embed a video player in each space to stream Turner content from each virtual world. Kaneva started integrating YouTube video onto its sites earlier this year and has integrated lots of social networking capabilities into its virtual 3D environments.  
Universal Studios Home Entertainment built more web-enabled features into the HD DVD of Evan Almighty, due out October 9. Playback on an internet-connected HD DVD player enables users to access a download center, merchandise shop or fan community site where visitors can create profiles and interact with others. serves as a PC-based hub for the services. Heroes: Season 1 was the first Universal release to offer on-screen interactive features.
Rainbow Media’s on demand instructional video service Lifeskool expanded its music category with a karaoke program inspired by the Fox show Don’t Forget the Lyrics. In the Lifeskool version called Forgot The Lyrics?, viewers can sing along to pop, rock, country and disco classics then play the song back without the lyrics to see how well they know it.

AOL RED, the youth lifestyle service has brought back the online reality series Project: Freshman for a thirteen-week second season. The streamed show, which partners with the University of Hawaii, airs each Wednesday and features three current freshmen as they use video cameras to chronicle their personal experiences on campus. The students also post comments on their own RED blogs. The series is sponsored by AT&T.


Webcam community site opened its site to accept embedded live video from anyone with a camera and an internet connection. Partner On2 Technologies is providing tools to help users customize personalized channel pages that will also incorporate chat and social networking features already offered on the site.
Video aggregation and sharing platform introduced several new features offering users better control of content on the site. A new browser plug-in supports videos from YouTube, Metacafe, Daily Motion and, allowing users to grab and preserve videos while surfing these sites. New advertising tools allow channel owners to monetize original content. 


A 30-year old single mother who works on an Indian Reservation in Minnesota could be asked to pay as much as $1.2 million in damages to the Recording Industry Association of America in the first illegal downloading case of over 20,000 filed to go to trial. The burden is on the RIAA to prove Jammie Thomas was actually sitting at the keyboard when the Kazaa downloads occurred. Another revelation that came out in the trial is that suing users is costing the music industry millions in legal fees, which $3,000-$4,000 settlements are doing little to alleviate.


Online ad serving company Panache signed a deal with video sharing site to integrate interactive video advertising technology with its user generated videos. Panache provides tools and back end support for adding clickable ads within video streams.


Don’t look now but Google‘s stock hit another high this week creeping toward $600/share, thanks to upward revisions of internet ad sales spending. U.S. online ad revenue is expected to grow by nearly 30% this year to $21.7 billion according to eMarketer, 40% coming from search marketing. Meanwhile Silicon Alley Insider blogger Henry Blodget kicked off some spirited debate suggesting $2,000/share may be where Google is headed.

HDTV owners are satisfied with the picture quality of their service but less than thrilled about HD programming options, according to a new Nielsen survey of HD households. About 85% of those queried ranked picture quality as above average or excellent while only 39% gave those ratings to programming selections. HD Owners who frequently watch HDTV at home gave the following responses about the genres and brands they frequently watch:
Genre                                 Response                 Most Watched Network of Each Genre
Sports                                   42.8%                                      ESPN HD
Movies                                   38.0%                                       HBO HD
Scripted Dramas                      28.1%                                        CBS HD
Documentaries                        23.8%                                    Discovery HD
Scripted Comedies                   19.4%                                       CBS HD
Reality Programming                 11.1%                                        Fox HD
Music                                      9.6%                                        PBS HD
Source: Nielsen
Top Visited US Broadcast Network TV Show Sites (week ending Sept. 29, 2007)
Rank     Network     Website                            Market Share of Visits
  1           NBC         Deal or No Deal                          15.46%
  2           ABC         Dancing With The Stars               11.23%
  3           NBC         Heroes                                       9.71%
  4           ABC         Grey’s Anatomy                            3.51%
  5           FOX         America’s Most Wanted                 2.70%
  6           NBC         The Office                                   2.26%
  7           ABC         The Bachelor                                2.25%
  8           ABC         Lost                                            2.07%
  9           NBC         Bionic Woman                               1.82%
 10         The CW     Gossip Girl                                    1.76%
Source: Custom report from Hitwise


Online entertainment site Metacafe hired former Yahoo! executive David Rice as VP/Product. He will oversee product strategy and lead development of new features and functionality, reporting to Erick Hachenburg, CEO.



PBS launched Wired Science, a companion site to a new science and technology series produced by LA affiliate KCET and Wired Magazine that premiered last night in the 8 pm time slot. The site expands on topics explored in the show with online video segments, original articles, blogs and links to other science-themed material found elsewhere on the web. It also does an admiral job of providing resources for science educators, put together with help from a panel of high school teachers.
Later — Wayne
Wayne Karrfalt for Cynopsis: Digital

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JOB OPENING:  EDITOR /Portland OR: Great opportunity to prove you’re a motivated, brilliant spot and music video editor to a national TV audience. Write us: [email protected]  (10/12)

JOB OPENING: OFFICE MGR-ADMIN ASST/GSN/NY: Office mgmt & facilities duties. Report to SVP, Ad Sales. Outstanding comp. skills, problem solving, comm skills. 2 yrs. exp in ent/media. BS deg pref’d. Res/cvr letter:  [email protected]  (10/12)

JOB OPENING: VP MEDIA RELATIONS/ABC DAYTIME/LA: Seasoned publicity and corporate communications executive to oversee bi-coastal PR department for ABC Daytime and SOAPnet. (10/12)

JOB OPENING: MARKETING /PorchLight Entertainment/LA: seeks mktg exec. to lead campaign for major new PBS series aimed at kids. Experience in all mrktng phases. Resume/salary history to Jeff Ircink: [email protected] (10/11)

JOB OPENING: MKTG & PROMO MGR/VIZ Media: For magazine division. Pref exp: Consumer Mktg (teen focused), creative copy writing, online promo exp & orig effective ideas. Res/sal req: [email protected] with Mktg Promo Mgr in subject line (10/11)

JOB OPENING:  ADV & PROMO MGR/ AMC/NYC:  Manage all mktg plans, cons adv campaigns & promos from start to finish. 2+ yrs creat mktg exp, pref TV/Cable. Budget Planning & PM exp a +. rez to ref #4460BR (10/11)

JOB OPENING: ACCT EXEC, BRANDING & ADVERTISING:  Assist in mngng media plan’g, trafficking & reporting; mng orgnztn & dist of brand identities; BA pref’d; min 3 yrs exp in mktg/advertising; media exp pref’d (10/11)

JOB OPENING: DIR KIDS PROGRAMMING/KidZui/San Diego: New online service seeks kids web content guru. Ensure freshest coolest content presented in ways sure to engage kids. Know Kid trends/interests/products? Apply [email protected] (10/11)

JOB OPENING:  SALES ASSISTANT/The Hotel Networks/NY: Work w/ AE’s & Planners to service agencies and clients on daily basis. PowerPoint & Excel a must. 1+ yrs media experience a plus. Send resume to [email protected]  (10/11)

JOB OPENING:  RESEARCH MGR/Music Choice: Support sales, mrktng& prgrmng initiatives across multiple platforms w/accurate & actionable research. BA/BS 4-6 yrs media rsrch exp. req./1 yr VOD rsrch strongly pref. [email protected] (10/11)

JOB OPENING: SALES ASST SPRVSR/UNIVISION/NY: Provide support for a team of 2 VPs & 10 AE’s. Highly orgzd, detailed oriented, proactive, exc comm skills a must. 2 yrs sprvs’g exp pref’d. MS skills. Res: [email protected] EOE (10/11)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR, PUBLIC RELATIONS/TURNER BROADCASTING/NYC: PR efforts for TNT/TBS/TCM. Premieres/junkets/screenings/spec events/talent appearances. Media contacts/8 yrs exp/4 yr degree. Apply: [email protected] (10/11)

JOB OPENING: OTX/NY: Leading market research firm seeks paid (or schl crdt) interns for media ent group. Mkt rsrch and/or media exp and intrst pref’d.Accepting resumes thru Oct 30. Send: [email protected] (10/10)

JOB OPENING: VP, HR/RETIREMENT LIVING/Columbia MD: Design, develop and implement effective strategies and tactics to improve the business and employee performance. Please visit for full description (10/10)

JOB OPENING:  DIRECTOR, AFFILIATE SALES/Columbia MD: Manage distribution sales and affiliate relations efforts for RLTV within a multi-state or national region. Visit for full description (10/10)

JOB OPENING: GROUP SALES & MKTG DIRS/ Tribune Broadcasting/E & W Coast seek self-starter to develop new business across brdcst/cable stations/web sites; See ad @ keywords16666/16664; Apply by 10/12 EOE  (10/10)

JOB OPENING: ASST. SALES PLANNER/ Oxygen Media/ NY: Candidate must be detail oriented and possess excellent communication skills. Will report to two AE’s. Resume & cover letter to [email protected], ref job title in subject line (10/10)

JOB OPENING: SALES PLANNER/ Oxygen Media/ NY: Support two AE’s, 2-3 yrs exp. buying or planning. Must be detail oriented and possess excellent comm and math skills. Resume/cover letter to [email protected], ref job title in subject (10/10)

JOB OPENING:  ONLINE ACCT EXEC/Discovery Networks/NY: Sell National online advertising on IMedia Ad Sales Team, strong sales skills, 5 yrs sales exp, min 2 yrs internet sales. Apply: (#5868)   (10/6)

JOB OPENING:  SALES ASSISTANT/Hallmark Channel/NY: -Work w/ AE’s & Planners to service and maintain agencies and clients on daily basis. See full posting and apply at (10/6)

JOB OPENING:  TRAFFIC COORDINATOR/Hallmark Channel/NY:  Edits daily broadcast logs; executes agency traffic instructions; maintains commercial inventory. See full posting and apply at (10/6)

JOB OPENING:  MGR WRITTEN COMM/WB WW TV PUBL/CA: Create, write, edit and/or proofread all consumer publicity, bus comm, mktg, advertising/sales materials of WB TV Group. 5 yrs exp. Email: [email protected]    re: 88523BR_UCTC (10/6)

JOB OPENING:  FINANCE/BUS INTELLIGENCE SR ANALYST/MAXIM DIGITAL/NY: Support Maxim Digital Ops: fin modeling, web analytics; Strong system skills desired; Online exp pref’d; 2+ yrs exp fin / analytics; email res: [email protected]  (10/6)

JOB OPENING:  MANAGER AD SALES MKTG/TV Land/MTVN NY: BA; 5 yrs marketing exp. Creative thinker w/ strong proj mgmnt sk; highly organized. Understands brand mgmnt, advtg, promos, resrch. EOE/M/F/D/AAP. Apply (10/6)

JOB OPENING:  NEW MEDIA EXEC PROD/Atlanta:   Exp in online Product Mngmt & Product delivery.Resp for content strategy, funding launch, ad sales strategy, writing business plans. Strategic role.  [email protected] (860) 632 3707 (10/6)

JOB OPENING: DIR INTG MKTG/Lifeskool/Sportskool/NYC: develop &sell integrated VOD programming& standard advert direct to brands & agencies. 5+ yrs sales in media w/direct to client exp. rez to ref #2475BR (10/5)

JOB OPENING: ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE/Cablevision/Rockland NY: Seeks Acct Exec for local ad sales.2+ yrs ad sales exp. pref cable tv, classified, internet adv.  Valid NY Drivers Lic.  Apply to req 4147BR (10/5)

JOB OPENING: SALES/MKTG COORDINATOR/Entertainment research company/Encino: Provide administrative support to client development.Degree & 2 yrs exp. pref. Attention to detail & excellent org skills a must. Email [email protected]. (10/5)

JOB OPENING: ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE/Entertainment research co/Encino: Aggressively sell syndicated research products. Min 2 yrs sales exp. Ability to demonstrate sales success required. Email resume/salary hist to [email protected] (10/5)

JOB OPENING: ACCOUNT EXEC/Norwalk, CT Cablevision:  Seeks Account Exec for Local Ad Sales. 2 + yrs ad sales exp. pref. Cable tv, classified, internet adv. Valid CT DL. Please visit and apply to 3744BR (10/5)

JOB OPENING: INTERACTIVE A/E/WPIX/CW11 NYC: 3+yrs online sales exp. well networked in online community, high interest in media, proven track record in online sales, pro-actively drive revenue, rush resume to EOE (10/5)

JOB OPENING: RESEARCH MGR/ Rainbow Ad Sales/NY:  5 years Research. exp in Agency, Station, & Rep Firm and/or in Cable or Web Environment and New Technology incld. VOD.  Please visit and apply to req id 1786BR (10/5)

SUMMER or FALL INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. They are posted for free, and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at  [email protected] .

FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: Production Company/Baltimore: Looking for fall and Spring interns for documentary. Will get experience in research, logging and all aspects of production and post production. Apply [email protected]  (10/6)


Interested in posting your Video Resume?  Contact [email protected] for more information ….

SITUATION WANTED: EVENT/MEETING PLANNER/NYC: 3 + years exp. in corp./special events and PR. Excellent references. email: [email protected] (10/12)

SITUATION WANTED: Creative Emmy Winner/L.A. Experience in competition, docu-soap and soft-scripted, looking for senior producer position. Strong credits, strong references, great attitude. Contact [email protected] (10/12)

SITUATION WANTED: PRODUCTION/FINANCE MANAGER/NYC: 4+ yrs exp. in non-fiction prod.; budgets, cost reports, overages, contracts, staffing and staff/crew management. Bilingual, resourceful, and w/excellent references. [email protected] (10/11)

SITUATION WANTED: PROD. COORD./ASSOC. PROD/L.A. area:  4+ yrs exp. in TV/Ent: Mobile/Digital Content producer/talent coordinator/ PA. Diligent, teamplayer, great comm./org. skills. Email [email protected]  (10/6)

SITUATION WANTED: Looking for “at home” assignments in marketing/promotion/translation/typing/calls etc. W/15 +yrs of International & Marketing experience. Spanish, Portuguese & English languages. Contact [email protected]  (10/5)

E-mail Trish Pihonak for rates and specs for Job Openings.  

Interested in posting your Video Resume?  Contact [email protected] for more information ….

Are you looking for a job? Post your Situation Wanted Ad here — Email Trish Pihonak for specs.

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