Thursday, November 29th, 2007



“One of the best documentary series on television.” – USA Today




Good Morning.  It’s Thursday, November 29, 2007 and this is your first early morning briefing. 

Jane Root, President/GM of Discovery Channel and The Science Channel has been let out of her contract effective immediately, to return to her native U.K. Jane, who joined Discovery Communications in May 2004, will be succeeded by John Ford as President/GM of Discovery Channel. John came to Discovery Communications from the National Geographic Channel this past September to head Discovery Times Channel (the upcoming retooled Investigation Discovery) and the Military Channel. New heads for The Science Channel, Discovery Times and Military Channel will be announced soon.

Tonight’s Premiere:
: Mas Vale Tarde con Alex Cambert at 1130p


For your Premieres calendar – mark down Lipstick Jungle to air on Thursdays at 10p beginning February 7 on NBC.  The thinking here is to avoid airing repeats of ER (did you know there’s a writers strike underway?), and bring out Lipstick Jungle in a strong time period. The show stars Brooke Shields, Lindsay Price and Kim Raver as three highly successful New York City career women.

Univision will put its newest novella Pasion (Passion) out to sea on Tuesday, Dec. 4 at 9 pm ET/PT, the latest offering from the producers of Amor Real and Alborada. The soap takes viewers on an epic romantic voyage to historical ports of call including Cartegena de Indias, Colombia and Campeche, following heroine Camilia Darien (Susana Gonzalez) as she escapes on a pirate ship to allude her kidnappers.

If you’re holding Broadway theatre tickets for this holiday season – good news!  A tentative deal has been struck and the strike is over.  The lights go on and curtain goes up again tonight on most shows. 

Worldwide Biggies Inc. inked a two-year extension deal with Spike TV to executive produce the network’s annual Video Game Awards which honors video game creators and designers. The fifth annual broadcast of Spike TV’s Video Game Awards will air December 9 at 9p.

Travel Channel will allow its viewers to play programmer starting December 17 with “Pilot Week”, the network’s first week-long showcase of eight pilots being considered for series. Viewers can visit and offer feedback and criticism about each program. The shows premiering this week include:

  • Feasty Boys Eat America – Jim and Jon, the Feasty Boys will visit the first cranberry harvest in Carver, MA which inspires two culinary feasts during this half-hour show. Airs December 17 at 8p.
  • Hamburger Paradise – The history of the burger is the focus and the show will take viewers cross-country to find the best in the land. Airs December 17 at 9p.
  • Luxury Series (title TBD) – This 60m pilot will highlight private islands, vehicles and homes of America’s wealthy elite. Airs December 18 at 8p.
  • 10 Things You Don’t Know About: Florida – Half-hour guide seeks out unexpected places in Florida. Airs December 19 at 8p.
  • 10 Things You Don’t Know: Hawaii – This second installment explores the overlooked destinations in Hawaii. Airs December 19 at 830p.
  • 25 Mind Blowing Escapes – From jungle treks in Thailand to watching sunsets in Santorini, Greece, this program will journey to exotic, not-to-be-missed locales. Airs December 20 at 8p.
  • Extreme Hotels – Two piggy-backed episodes will look at the world’s most unusual hotels and resorts with insight from owners and guests. Airs December 20 at 9p and 930p.
  • Art Attack with Lee Sandstead – Art historian, Lee Sandstead will show off the best art museums throughout the world, giving viewers a top 5 “must-see” list at each museum with a history/mystery lesson about each treasure. Airs December 21 at 8p.
  • The Deal Hunter with Ian Grant – Ian takes viewers on a trek through New York City to find signature items the city is known for, offering insider tips along the way. Airs December 21 at 830p.

When the back door pilot of the remake of Knight Rider airs on NBC, it will include the talents of Bruce Davison, Wayne Kasserman and Greg Ellis who have all recently joined the cast. The project stars Justin Bruening as Mike Tracer, aka Michael Knight’s son; no word yet on who will voice KITT, the car (in the original, this was William Daniels).

Hannah Storm is leaving the CBS Early Show – tho a specific departure date has not yet been announced.  Storm had been with the show for the past five years when it relaunched with more anchors than any other morning network show.

ABC Family has ordered up six episodes of America’s Prom Queen, from PB&J Television.  The show begins with 10 high school seniors who are taken through a series of challenges.  Judges will represent those traditional high school sects – the jocks, the freaks, the nerds, etc.  ABC Family is looking for a spring launch reports Variety.




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Source: Nielsen (Galaxy Explorer), Live+SD GAA ratings,
2007-2008 season to date (8/27/07-11/18/07).


Mike Lewis takes over as VP/GSM at WTTG and WDCA in Washington, D.C. starting next Monday. Mike will lead all sales efforts for the duopoly owned by Fox Television Stations group and will report to Duffy Dyer, the stations’ VP/GM.

Entertainment Marketing Group (EMG) hired Petra Luna as VP/Promotions. Petra will develop and execute targeted promotional campaigns on radio, broadcast and cable television, online and print.

Current President/Publisher of Variety, Charlie Koones will depart the Reed Business Entertainment Group March 1 to try his hand at entrepreneurial ventures in media and entertainment. In his 17 years with Variety, Charlie was the primary leader behind the paper’s digital growth, which spurred the launch of nine years ago. Following as President/Publisher will be Neil Stiles, Division Managing Director for Reed Business Information in the U.K.


Today in Cynopsis Kids

  • Buddy G – My Two Moms and Me new 3D animated property from Us2
  • The Tuttles Madcap Misadventures: Starlight Charity Challenge
  • Nine animated films qualify for Golden Globe Awards

Today in Cynopsis International 

  • Deals signed in quick pre-ATF days by FremantleMedia Enterprises and Disney-ABC Int’l TV
  • Cablevision adds The Korean Channel to its IO lineup
  • Paramount Digital Ent signs deal to distribute content across India’s mobile subscribers

Today in Cynopsis Digital, listen to the audio version here or subscribe to the iTunes Cyn Digital podcast 

  • Cable/NFL Network dispute causes fans to miss top NFC team match-up
  • CondeNet to distribute videos, share ad revenue with YouTube
  • Hearst Argyle to resell Google AdWords locally

Top Ten Basic Cable Ad Supported Network Rankings among A18-49 for the month of November: 10/30-11/26/07
Primetime    (000)        Total Pgm Day      (000)
ESPN              1557           ESPN                     708
USA                1311           USA                      647
TBSC              1091           TBSC                     593
TNT                  872           NICK                     577
FX                    787           TNT                       571
MTV                 757           NAN*                     559
CMDY               670           ADSM*                  482
SPK                  643           FX                         440
DISC                631           LIF                        416
SCIF                 573           MTV                      397
Source Turner Research from Nielsen Media Research Data.
All ratings based on Total U.S. Television Universe of 112,800,000 homes
* = Network broadcasts less than 51% of minutes in a 24 hour day. Primetime listing only includes those networks broadcasting more than 51% of the primetime hours (M-Su 8p-11p)

Top Ten Basic Cable Ad Supported Network Rankings among Total Viewers for the month of November: 10/30-11/26/07
Primetime    (000)      Total Pgm Day            (000)
ESPN              2996          NICK                         2317
USA                2670          USA                          1300
TBSC              1912          NAN*                        1288
TNT               1871           ESPN                         1204
NAN               1477          TNT                           1140
FOXN             1407          TOON                         1083
HALL              1363          TBSC                           992
FX                  1352         ADSM*                         875
TOON             1292          LIF                              869
LIF                 1268          FOXN                           793
Source Turner Research from Nielsen Media Research Data.
All ratings based on Total U.S. Television Universe of 112,800,000 homes
* = Network broadcasts less than 51% of minutes in a 24 hour day. Primetime listing only includes those networks
broadcasting more than 51% of the primetime hours (M-Su 8p-11p)

Top 10 Cable Programs among A18-49 (000) for the month of November: 10/30-11/26/07
ESPN   Packers/Broncos                                      7272
ESPN   Ravens/Steelers                                       5408
ESPN   Titans/Broncos                                         5075
ESPN   49ers/Seahawks                                      4706
FX       Nip/Tuck                                                 3956
MTV    The Hills  11/19                                      3427
MTV    The Hills  11/12                                      3355
CMDY  South Park  11/7                                    3198
MTV    The Hills  10/29                                      3158
CMDY  South Park  10/31                                  3153
Source Turner Research from Nielsen Media Research Data.
All ratings based on Total U.S. Television
Universe of 112,800,000 homes

Tuesday – A18-49 Analysis:  ABC quick-stepped into first place Tuesday night with 5.8/14 A18-49, according to final national ratings from Nielsen Media Research. ABC’s presentation of the holiday favorite A Charlie Brown Christmas won at 8p with 4.6/12. FOX’s House took the 9p hour with 7.0/16. Then at 10p, the final hour of ABC’s Dancing with the Stars was the viewer choice with 6.8/17.

Live + Same Day Household Ratings: Tuesday, November 27, 2007 (November Sweep Day 27) time period averages. Source: NTI Galaxy, as dated. Live+SD.

ABC: 13.3/20        A Charlie Brown Christmas [r] 7.7/12, Dancing with the Stars Results [2-hour f] 16.1/24

FOX: 8.1/12           Bones 5.9/9, House 10.2/15

CBS: 7.2/11           NCIS 10.8/16, The Unit 6.6/10, Cane 4.3/7

NBC: 5.9/9            The Biggest Loser 4 [2 hours] 4.7/7, Law & Order: SVU 8.2/13

UNIV: 2.2/3           Amar sin Limites 1.8/3, Destilando Amor 3.1/4, Como Ama una Mujer 1.6/3

CW: 1.6/2             Beauty and the Geek 1.8/3, Reaper [r] 1.4/2

MNT: 0.7/1            The Academy [r] 0.6/1, Jail 0.8/1, Jail [r] 0.8/1

TELE: 0.6/1          Madre Luna 0.7/1, Esclava Isaura 0.7/1, Pecados Ajenos 0.4/1

A18-49: ABC 5.8/14, FOX 5.2/13, NBC 3.7/9, CBS 2.6/6, UNIV 1.8/4, CW 1.2/3, MNT 0.4/1, TELE 0.4/1


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This day in History: 2004 – Godzilla received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

Answer to Yesterday’s Trivia Question: In this classic drama, a smooth talking preacher comes to town and marries a local widow. There is a good sum of money hidden, and only the widow’s children know where it is. The preacher wants that money. What is the film?  THE NIGHT OF THE HUNTER (starring Robert Mitchum and Shelley Winters)   Kudos to: Paul Rule-Marquest Media & Entertainment Research/Beaufort, NC; Marc Mondry-Sportskool/NY; Mark Callahan-SPEED/Charlotte, NC; Molly Sullivan-Time Warner Cable Media Sales/Cleveland; Jeremy Bobrowski-Kelly, Scott & Madison/Chicago; Eric Litt-WGN/Chicago; Donna James-KDAF/Dallas; Rich Koz-WCIU/Chicago; Zha Zha Aghili-2830 LLC/Santa Monica, CA; Suzanne Sell-Starz Entertainment Group/Englewood, CO; Kelly Kennemer-Orange Works/Sherman Oaks,CA; Johanna Ramirez-20th Century Fox Television/LA

Today’s Trivia Question:  In the 1998 comedy The Wedding Singer what was Julia’s (Drew Barrymore) fiance Glen’s favorite TV show?   (
with your answer and be sure to include your name, company, city and time zone. Unofficial rules: Only the second four correct answers from each time zone will be mentioned; and once you’ve been mentioned in any of the Cynopsis editions, you can’t be mentioned again that calendar week.)

Later  — Cyn

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JOB OPENING: COORDINATOR, PROGRAM PLANNING & ACQUISITIONS/E! Entertainment: See full job description and apply online (12/6)

JOB OPENING:  DIGITAL PLANNER/History/A&E Chicago: Create digital sales proposals, steward accts, service orders & client needs, acct maintenance, assist in presentations. 2 yrs digital plnng exp. Apply: (12/6)

JOB OPENING: MGR, SALES RESEARCH/Disney/N. Hollywood: 5 yrs + Media/Online research supporting online ad sales. Exp working w/ mult 3rd party rsrch tools. APPLY: search for JOB ID: 132016 (12/6)

JOB OPENING:  MARKETING COORD/Int’l Networks, CA: Collaborate/execute ad efforts for affiliate launches, campaigns and trade shows. Prefer 2+ yrs exp. Strong communication skills; Foreign language pref. # 57147BR (12/6)

JOB OPENING: FOX NEWS/BUSINESS SALES PLANNER/DFW location:  Generate upfront/scatter plans. Handle all aspects of ongoing deal maintenance/stewardship, multi-tasker, detail oriented. Power Point a +. Email

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR, MARKETING/Redwood City, CA: Seasoned marketing exec (7-10 yrs), strong background in media, pref cable TV. Comfortable with new technology. Reports to VP Brand  Solutions. Resume to:

JOB OPENING: PROD/DIR/Cablevision/Oakland, NJ: 2 + yrs prod exp. Copywriting skills.  Knowledge of non-linear systems incl AVID/Final Cut Pro. Know. of adobe software. See full posting and apply to req 4902BR (12/5)

JOB OPENING: ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE/Cablevision/Brooklyn NY:  Seeks AE for local ad sales.2+ yrs ad sales exp. pref cable tv, radio, internet adv.  Valid NY DL.  See full posting and apply to req 4802BR (12/5)

JOB OPENING: PRESS MANAGER, COMM/NY/Bravo: Min 3-5 yrs exp/Communications support for Bravo programming and mktg initiatives. Must have consumer & trade PR exp. Strong press contacts. Apply to nbcunicareers .com job#759945. (12/5)

JOB OPENING: SR RESEARCH ANALYST TNT/TBS/COURT TV Ad Sales/NY: Research support/create sales positioning/presentations. Strong analytical/data interpretation/writing skills. 3+ yrs exp. Apply:

JOB OPENING: SUPERVISING PRODUCER/NYC: Oversee prod of a children’s animated series, inc. mngng day-to-day operations, guiding creative dir, & ensuring that project adheres to sched/budget. Apply: 

JOB OPENING: TRAFFIC COORD/SPT/NY: Responsible for commercial integration across all assigned syndicated properties. Must possess meticulous attention-to-detail to ensure proper scheduling of units. Res: 

JOB OPENING: RESEARCH MNGR/ABC /Burbank: 3+ yrs exp. Syndicated research. Wrap Overnights/Sweeps/Galaxy Explr. Provide local sales pitches, ratings projections, and wide range of data/info. Apply at REQ ID 118404 (12/5)

JOB OPENING:  ACCOUNT EXEC/ Ovation TV/New York: Immediate opening for 5+yrs exp professional. Heavy client/planning selling; seek new business/create marketing platforms tailored for client’s needs Apply:

JOB OPENING:  SALES EXEC/CableU/CT: Immed great opportunity for aggressive self-starter w/ knwldg of US cbl ntwrks, ind orgnzations & ad agencies. Prospect/close new accts. Online sales exp pref’d. Rewarding Comm.

JOB OPENING: ADMIN ASST/WE tv/NYC: Support programming execs & mgmt team with all admin needs. Handle phones, schedules,  travel, budgets, tape library, etc. Degree & Ent exp pref. res to ref #4860BR  (12/5)

JOB OPENING: RESEARCH DIR/Screenvision Cinema, NY: 8-10 yrs; Run sales research, strong know of resch resources, Nielsen exp req, prim resch exp plus, TV bkgnd pref, Mgmt Exp req. Submit resumes: 

JOB OPENING: SALES PLANNER/TV10s/NYC: For Closed Captioning & 10-second commercial sales: Create proposals, mkgds, manage adu, detail oriented. Power Point a +. Resume:

JOB OPENING:  2 SALES PLANNERS/Galavision/NY: Generate upfront/scatter plans. Handle all aspects of ongoing deal maintenance/stewardship. Dealmaker/VCI/media experience & Spanish a plus. Apply:
. EOE   (12/1)

JOB OPENING:  PROJECT MANAGER,AD SALES RES (Syn/Digital/NY-Warner Bros.) strong math and pres. writing skills. Adept w/Nielsen,digital measurements, Galaxy, Npower, Adviews, MRI. Email:
RE: UCTC/91155BR    (12/1)

JOB OPENING:  DIR OF PROGRAMMING/Rainbow/NYC: Develop & supervise production of Sportskool programming; oversee integration of branded content; assist in creating scheduling strategy. Apply to req 4926BR at   (12/1)

JOB OPENING: SR CLIENT ANALYST/MSA Media/NY: Manage cable nets on Gabriel/other SW. Perform biz svcs, issue resolution, training, Jr Acct mgmt duties, prod planning. Must have tech knowledge. Send res & $ req to

JOB OPENING:  MTV EXEC PROD/NYC: 8+ yrs exp in TV production incl Sr and/or Supervising Producer exp. Extensive knwldge US market/pop culture. Strong mngmt exp; travel and work late hours. EOE/M/F/D/AAP. Apply    (12/1)

JOB OPENING:  VP RESEARCH MTVTr3s/NYC: 10-15 yrs media/market research exp. Strong analy sk + broad range qual/quant methodologies; Knwldge re key issues US Hispanic advertising industry. EOE/M/F/D/AAP. Apply   (12/1)

JOB OPENING:   PROMOTIONS & MARKETING MANAGER/Cartoon Network/[adult swim], NY:  Must have 3-5 yrs of exp in promos/mkting, advertising. Strong project mgmt, client service. Apply online via , Req# 90869    (12/1)

JOB OPENING:  SALES ASST/TV/DVD Dist. Co. in Norwalk, CT: Seeks energetic multi-tasker. Proficient in all MS Office apps. Accounting software knwldg  a +. Terrific hands-on experience! Send resume to:

JOB OPENING:  MANAGER, PROGRAM PLANNING/MTV/NYC: 4+yrs TV prgm scheduling exp, Strg interpersnl & Excel skills, Knwldge of MTV brand /prgming/TV ratings & Entertainment industry. EOE/M/F/D/AAP. Apply (12/1)

JOB OPENING: TV ACQUISITIONS MGR/Orange, CA: Research, screen, select and schedule content for inflight entertainment. Experience of global TV markets, negotiation, planning and attention to detail are musts.

JOB OPENING: SALES PLANNER/Gorilla Nation Media/NYC: – Support sales team in managing proposals & campaign management. 1-2 yrs online sales & planning experience; Microsoft office exp. Apply at

JOB OPENING: VP CREATIVE DIR/Fuse TV/NY: Responsible for the overall dir, conception, creation, dvlpmnt & implementation of all On-Air promotions and packaging for all marketing platforms. Please send resume to
. (11/30)

JOB OPENING: WRITER/PRODUCER/Discovery Communications/LA: Conceive, write & produce TV & Radio campaigns for TLC On-Air promotions & mktg. Please apply online at to job opening number 5931. EOE M/F/V/D (11/30)

JOB OPENING: NETWORK CABLE BUSINESS ANALYST/NY: Exp. With VCI software required. Background in Traffic & Ad Sales. Strong documentation & training skills needed. 

WINTER AND SPRING INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. They are posted for free, and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at 


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SITUATION WANTED: JACK OF MEDIA TRADES/Over 10 yrs of hands on film & video exp varying from prod and post-prod to national spot sales. Willing to relocate to lrg or moderate mrkts in US or abroad.  Email: 

SITUATION WANTED:  Script Coordinator with previous work experience in animation industry seeks script or production coordinator position in Vancouver, BC.

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WHAT’S ON TONIGHT – Thursday, November 29, 2007

ABC: Ugly Betty [r], Grey’s Anatomy [r], Big Shots
CBS: Survivor: China, CSI [r], Without a Trace [r]
CW: Smallville [r], Supernatural [r]
FOX: Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader?, Don’t Forget the Lyrics!
ION: Mama’s Family, Mama’s Family, Who’s the Boss?, Who’s the Boss?, 48 Hours on ION TV
MNT: My Thursday Night Movie: The Cave
NBC: My Name is Earl, 30 Rock, The Office [r], Scrubs, ER
PBS: This Old House Hour, Antiques Roadshow [r], Leonardo’s Dream Machines [r]
TELE: Madre Luna, La Esclava Isaura, Pecados Ajenos
UNIV: Amar sin Limites, Destilando Amor, Aqui y Ahora

All outgoing e-mails are scanned and sent out virus free.  Copyright Cynopsis 2007

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