Thursday, May 15th, 2008


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Cynopsis: DIGITAL


Good morning, it’s Thursday, May 15, 2008, and this is your first early morning digital briefing.
In a true marriage of new and old media, CBS has struck a partnership with viral web drama studio EQAL to create a slate of multiplatform programming for existing and future CBS television productions. The creators of lonelygirl15 and KateModern – Miles Beckett and Greg Goodfried – will consult with CBS to help create social experiences around traditional shows, working with CBS writers at the script level to tie online narratives in directly with TV plot lines.  The deal also gives CBS “first look” at any new multiplatform show concepts developed by the studio.


Lifetime Networks reached a wide-ranging agreement with Cox Communications, which agreed to launch all of the network’s new services beginning in June. Cox will carry Lifetime Television HD, Lifetime Movie Network HD, Lifetime On Demand and Lifetime Movie Network Espanol On Demand. Cox will begin rolling out Lifetime HD to its customers in June, it time for the second season of its signature original series Army Wives.
Dish Network dropped 10 of the 15 Voom HD networks this week to make room for those new HD network additions just announced. The satellite provider also plans to drop the remaining 5 “as soon as possible” in response to an ongoing dispute over the companies’ carriage agreement. Rainbow Media’s Voom suite is now only available on its parent company’s Cablevision systems. launched a minisite devoted to the Summer Olympics in Beijing featuring loads of video content, photos, trivia, educational games and travel tips. enjoyed its best traffic month ever in April with unique users growing by 68% year-on-year to more than 4.3 million visitors, according to comScore.


TV executive Lawrence Lyttle and Manager/Producer JP Williams have teamed up with the Or Die Networks folks on yet another video humor site called This one has a politically incorrect/pop culture bent with the usual ratings system that relegates also-rans to the scrap heap. launches three new online series this week including Glitch in the System, aimed at video game fans; Do Unto Others, based on the popular humor book of the same name; and Incognegro, starring “The Colbert Report” regular Jordan Carlos.
AtomicOnine’s female targeted SheKnows acquired community site PregnancyandBaby for an undisclosed amount.
Call for Content: Filmaka is accepting concepts for short films which promote SAB Miller’s selected theme “Because Life is What Your Pour Into It.” 15 finalists will receive $1,500 to turn their ideas into short films for the brewer.


Mobile content portal Zedge completed a redesign of its site making it easier to find tools, profiles and content. One of its cooler apps is a program that allows you to upload an mp3 file then select a short bit of it to use as a custom ringtone.
Check out to demo its cool new web-based phone message tracking software, free for the first 30 days. No more jotting down messages on balled up pieces of paper.
D-Link released a new Wireless Bridge device to accomplish what the Tivo Wireless USB network adapter does – transfer data to DVRs, game consoles and digital media players via a home Wi-Fi network. But this version supports 2.4GHz or 5GHz bands, both part of the upcoming lightning fast 802.11n standard.


Rival Korean chaebols LG Electronics (who brought us the ravishing Scarlett “TV series”) and Samsung announced a rare partnership to jointly develop a single standard for mobile digital broadcasting in the U.S. The technology will be based on findings of a test conducted by Washington D.C.-based industry group MSTV, to be submitted today to the Advanced Television Systems Committee. ATSC is expected to choose a standard for North America in early 2009 after trials are conducted by the Open Mobile Video Coalition.
Billionaire investor Carl Icahn is going ahead with plans to make a run at the Yahoo board, planning to nominate 10 new directors more amenable to restarting sale discussions with Microsoft.
Comcast‘s Interactive Media division is acquiring address book/social networking service Plaxo for a reported $175 million in cash, planning to integrate its software across digital set top boxes. Plaxo hosts the online-based address books of 40 million+ users and integrates accounts to other popular sites including microbolgging site Twitter and photo-sharing site Flickr. Plaxo has been working on an address book app for Comcast’s SmartZone communications center as well as hosting all the accounts for Comcast’s webmail users for the past year.


Turner revealed its own contextual advertising initiative at its upfront presentation yesterday, looking to place appropriate spots adjacent to relevant scenes from Turner’s library of movies and TV series. The “TV in Context” program will begin placing ads with a select number of clients in the fall.
Unilever struck a number of interactive TV campaign deals with marketing firm BrightLine ITV that will roll out across Comcast and DirecTV systems during the coming year, reports the WSJ, the first ever upfront commitment for iTV ads.


Following News Corp’s disappointing revenue announcement eMarketer downgraded its projected revenue growth of leading social networks such as MySpace and Facebook, trimming this year’s forecast of U.S. social network ad spending from $1.6 billion to $1.4 billion.
Meanwhile evidence is piling up that Facebook has lost some of its luster among developers. Competition from dominant players such as Slide and Rock You and the influence of Google’s open API program OpenSocial has dampened some of the enthusiasm to create applications for the platform. Data culled from Facebook developer/blogger Jesse Farmer, who developed the Adonomics Facebook analytics and developer services system, breaks down some compelling tracking numbers.
Monthly Statistics for the Facebook Developer Forum
Month                          Jan. 2008       April 2008     % change
Posts per day                 461                 225               -51%
Signups per day               38                   27               -29%
Threads per day               80                   44               -44%
Active users                 1,606              1,168               -27%
Highly active users          461                 225              -47%
Source:, from data provided by Adonomics
Google accounted for 67.9% of all U.S. searches in the four weeks ending April 26, 2008, according to Hitwise. Yahoo! Search, MSN Search and each received 20.28%, 6.26% and 4.17% respectively.


Smart phone app creator Handango hired wireless content veteran Alex Bloom as VP/Content and International. Alex is charged with leading content acquisition efforts, developing revenue strategies and optimizing content and e-commerce services both domestically and internationally. He will report to Handango CEO Bill Stone.
expanded its sales team with the addition of industry veterans Jesse Paynter as SVP/Sales and Paul Rothkopf as SVP/Sales Strategy. Both will report to CEO Mel Schrieberg in the music service’s New York headquarters.


Online movie streaming service Jaman launches its first free ad-supported channel today, offering 100 initial indie and international titles. There’s a mixture of stuff here, including plenty of Bollywood movies and classics like Hitch’s The 39 Steps. But all in all it’s a smart way to promote what is still mainly a paid download-to-rent service. Jaman, founded by former Informatica CEO Gaurav Dhillon, has built a nice interface that does a couple of things very well. The movie finder function allows you to browse movies based on what mood you’re in, ranging from serious to funny, mellow to charged, deep to shallow and tears to bullets. (How many times have you spent an hour in Blockbuster because it’s so hard to narrow your choices?) It also interfaces with AppleTV.

Later — Wayne
Wayne Karrfalt for Cynopsis: Digital

Cynopsis Digital Ad Sales: Jason Cesare 732-718-0629 / [email protected]
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JOB OPENING: PRODUCER, SHORT-FORM ORG. PROGRAMMING-LOGO/MTV/NYC: 4+yrs Programming exp, Strg editorial skills, Knwldge of content creation mobile/wireless. Knwldge of LOGO brands. EOE/M/F/D/AAP. Apply (5/22)

JOB OPENING: SALES ASST-DR/SUPERSTATION WGN/NY: Provide admin. & sales support to DR Dept; order entry, confirmations, pre & post logs to clients, etc. Apply @ [email protected] (5/22)

JOB OPENING:  PRODUCER/SCRIPPS NETWORKS (HGTV/DIY/Food/FL/GAC) Knox: 5+ yrs prod exp long/short form Lifestyle TV/taped live/Online exp A+/exlent interpersonal skills. Full job descrip/apply at    Knoxville Based  (5/22)

JOB OPENING:  AUDIO/POST PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR/NICKELODEON/NY: Sup & schedl audio for animated series,incld post SFX/mix/layback & delivery. Exp w/music, cast, direct, producing A+. Email diego production. [email protected] (5/22)

JOB OPENING:  PR COORDINATOR/HGTV/New York: manage press inquiries, requests & events, liaison w/ HGTV talent & production companies, provide Admin support to PR team. 1-3 yrs PR exp. Full details & apply (5/22)

JOB OPENING:  DIR PRODUCTION/LA: Mng movie prod for Disney Chl/ABC Family/Jetix; frm decision-mkg/budgt/prod to post. 7-10yrs TV, movie prod exp. Knowldg in guild and union agreemnts. Apply at: Req# 162325  (5/22)

JOB OPENING: DIG ASSET & CONTENT MGR/Starzmedia/NYC: 3+yrs dig asst mgmt & databas, vid/aud & techncl format knowldg. Mang dig cont assets(lng/shrt-form vids/trlrs/clips/imgs/sound)for co. Dig Media div. Apply:  [email protected]  (5/21)

JOB OPENING: EXEC ASST to PRES/CEO TV prod/Burbank: Manage daily schedule & travel/roll& track calls/excellent oral & written skills/well organized. 2-4 yrs exp. MAC, Word, Excel, Filemaker, Entourage.  Apply: [email protected]    (5/21)

JOB OPENING: DIGITAL SALES PLANNER/AETN, NY: Create Proposals, steward accts, servicing orders. 2yrs exp in advertising or sales research. Exc comm skills. Apply: (5/21)

JOB OPENING: FREELANCE JUNKET WRITER-PRODUCER/HALLMARK CHANNEL/LA: Create 30 minute hosted entertainment pieces. 3-5 yrs. experience. See full posting and apply at (5/21)

JOB OPENING: GRAPHIC DESIGNER/WEB MASTER/Charles Drew University/LA, CA: Provide high-volume desktop publishing design for print, media, and marketing materials, website postings and updates. See full posting at (5/21)

JOB OPENING: AFFIL MKTG MGR/Versus/PHIL: Work w/ Dir, Consumer & Affil Marketing & Comcast Corporate to drive affiliate distribution & build value. Read more/apply: (60610BR) (5/20)

JOB OPENING: PRGRM PLAN’G & SCHED MGR/VERSUS/PHIL: Execute program scheduling plan for the network and assist with all aspects of planning and scheduling. Read more/apply (Req #60727) (5/20)

JOB OPENING: SR MOTION DESIGNER, CREATIVE SRVCS/Versus/Phl: Dvlp/exec new & innovative design & layout solutions. 6+yrs of complex related exp. Exc. creative/comm. Skills. Read more/apply: (Req 61368BR) (5/20)

JOB OPENING: SR WRITER/PROD/VERSUS/PHL: 5 yrs nat’l cable or ntwrk TV exp. Exc creative & comm. skills. Resp for writing/prod’g compelling on/off-air promotion. Read more/apply (Req# 51639BR) (5/20)

JOB OPENING: VP INTERNET STRATEGY/DVLPMNT/Comcast/Versus/Phil: Mng network’s consumer Internet presence. 7+yrs related exp Internet prod & editorial. 3+yrs Sr mngmnt role. Read more/apply: (Req # 60341BR)   (5/20)

JOB OPENING: RSRCH MGR/VERSUS/PHIL: Create presentations, analyses, & one-sheets highlighting key points of ntwrk viewership/trends. Dvlp estimates for sales. 4+ yrs 4-5 yrs rsrch exp. Read more/apply: (req #60861BR) (5/20)

JOB OPENING: SR MKTG GRAPHIC DESIGNER/VERSUS/PHL: Create variety of mktg materials. 10+ yrs graphic designer w/ some ent ind. exp  Background in prod of collateral/print/internet ads. Read more/apply: (Req # 61372BR) (5/20)

JOB OPENING: A/P SUPERVISOR/LIFETIME TV/NY: seeking a detail oriented, self-starter to join our A/P Department with auditing of expense reports, verifying expenses. Apply at: (5/20)

JOB OPENING:  ASSOC ACCT EXEC/Music Choice/Los Angeles:  Responsible for all aspects of account management including sales, promotions development of relationships.BS or BA required. Min 3 yrs sales & marketing exp in cable/related industry w/track record for achieving results. 50% travel. [email protected] (5/20)

JOB OPENING:  MUSIC CHOICE/NYC/SALES PLANNER:  Manage proposal process; update sales materials.  Manage small-scale accounts. Identify/ research prospects.  2+ yrs exp. at ad agency or network. [email protected]  (5/20)

JOB OPENING:  MGR RESEARCH/ENDEAVOR TALENT AGENCY/LA: Strong Nielsen systems & analytical skills req’d. Respon. include Broadcast Prime, Cable and Theatrical research. Dynamic work environment. Send resumes to: [email protected]  (5/20)

JOB OPENING:  TRAFFIC SUPERVISOR/Cablevision/NY, NY:   Min. 4 yrs Traffic experience.  Strong exp. with  OSCAR system, order entry, admin & reporting modules. View full posting and apply to req id 6117BR  (5/20)

JOB OPENING:  RESEARCH MGR/FOOD/HGTV AD SALES (2 POSITIONS)/NY:5+ yrs media research exp. Strong analytical/data interpretation/presentation skills req’d.See full job description/apply at (5/20)

JOB OPENING:  PROGRAM DIRECTOR/MARTHA STEWART LIVING RADIO/NYC: Manage the daily operations of MSLR and actively work to grow the channel.All interested parties should apply online: (5/20)

JOB OPENING: DIR PARTNERSHIP SALES/qubo/NY: 5+ yrs exp media sales to dvlp, present, & sell lng-term deals to nat’l clients, detailed-oriented, organized, multi-tasker, exc comm., some travel req. send resume: [email protected]  (5/17)

JOB OPENING: SALES ASST CABLEVISION BRONX/NY: Sales Asst Cablevision Bronx, NY  2+ yrs exp in mrkt, adv or bus related field.  Assist Dir.& Sales team. Strong Excel and Powerpoint skills. See full posting and apply to req 6162BR (5/17)

JOB OPENING: PROD SRVS PRODUCER/Nat Geo/DC: 5+ yrs exp at Network or Prod Comp. Documentary/field prod exp req’d. Knowledge of Avid and HD. BS/BA. Please apply at (5/17)

JOB OPENING:  DEVELOPMENT MGR/Nat Geo/DC: 3+ yrs related exp. Exp in development, production and business affairs req’d. BS/BA. Please apply at (5/17)

JOB OPENING:  ACCOUNT EXEC/WBXX-TV Knoxville, the #1 CW: Minimal requirements for this position are a BA degree, 2 years outside sales experience and an unquenchable drive to win. Resume: [email protected]  (5/17)

JOB OPENING: SALES ASSOCIATE-ONLINE ADVERTISING/Los Angeles: Responsibilities: Account Mngmnt, Mkt research, Campaign analysis. 2-3yrs sales exp. Media sales/planning or buying exp. Apply at Position XSA090 (5/16)

JOB OPENING: SR RSRCH DIR/Entertainment Rsrch Co/LA: Mng custom projects, proposals, methodology, survey design, analyze data/write reports. Ent. industry knwlg & vendor exp + (5/16)

JOB OPENING: PRODUCER (Redakteur) male/female/MDR (KI.KA), Germany: Resp. for national and intl. TV/Film co-prod. Fluent German essential. Full details: Apply: [email protected]  (5/16)

SPRING AND SUMMER INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. They are posted for free, and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at [email protected] .

SUMMER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY:  DIG MEDIA INTERN/Starzmedia/NYC: Undergrads/3.0+ GPA/currently enrolled in univ., 20-35 hrs/wk. Work on several chllnging projects (i.e. viral distrib and Broadband Channel comp. review) Apply: [email protected] (5/21)

SUMMER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: WordWorld Consumer Products (unpaid) Internship: 3days/ wk for DB setup/maintenance, product inventory, trade show prep, market research, admin support.  Send resume to: [email protected]   (5/20)

SUMMER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: Stone & Company Entertainment seeks motivated interns interested in television development, 2-3 days wk with strong writing and creative skills. E-mail resume/CL to attn: Patti Stone [email protected]  (5/17)

SUMMER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: Eco Radio Show: Asst to host/prod-/writg/editng/typng/resrch/sched/website updtes/wkly announce/listenr calls/email respnsd/blogging & sound edit +/begin @sap wrk summer/longer – [email protected] (5/16)

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