Monday, September 29th, 2008

Cynopsis: DIGITAL


Good morning, it’s Monday, September 29, 2008, and this is your first early morning digital briefing.

There’s hope after all for online music webcasters. The House of Representatives unanimously passed The Webcaster Settlement Act providing a way for internet radio stations and services to negotiate with labels for a lower royalty rate than was mandated in May 2007 by the Copyright Royalty Board. The bill sailed through on Saturday night after the NAB dropped it opposition earlier in the day, according to CNET. The measure is expected to go before the busy Senate for a vote today, as online music start-ups such as Pandora say they will not be able to hang on until the next Congressional session.


Look for Hispanic broadband viewing to spike muy rapido in the coming months. Mexico’s dominant broadcaster Televisa is in the process of posting a total of 600,000 hours of its programming on a new ad supported online video portal, featuring every single novella in its archive as well as feature-length movies, game shows and newscasts. A second portal, found at, will contain Mexican soccer, baseball and coverage of major U.S. and international sports. Televisa, in the process of clearing digital rights for the content, plans to add approximately 2,000 videos/week until the entire archive is available, reports Variety.  
The Universal Music Group is planning to launch a “Hulu-like” video portal featuring professionally-produced music videos, as well as editorial and other artist-focused content according to reports. Music videos have always been extremely popular online. Universal’s YouTube channel generated 2.6 million+ views over the past year, making it the UGC’s site’s most popular channel. Avril Lavigne’s Girlfriend is currently the most viewed video on YouTube all time.
CBS’ Simon & Shuster also dipped its toe into the world of online video with the launch of its own digital production studio built to produce digital HD video interview series and other features around its authors. will host much of the material. The studio’s first video features Stephen King discussing his episodic graphic digital video series N.
Paramount Digital Entertainment
and mobile game publisher Magmic Games launched a mobile game based on DreamWorks’ new tentpole thriller Eagle Eye (the weekend’s top grosser). The game is available on most major U.S., European and Canadian carriers, with BlackBerry specific versions available at and versions for Windows Mobile devices available at


High School seems to be the defacto setting for web comedies these days. From Sorority Forever star Taryn Southern comes Private High Musical (emphasis on “High”.) It’s a not ready for primetime send up of Disney’s High School Music franchise, with plenty of illicit language and behavior. The series debuts on Oct. 2 on YouTube,, Break, Heavy and MySpaceTV. Redband Industries is producing.


If your Zune isn’t working today – don’t’ panic. Microsoft issued a warning over the weekend to expect extended service outages from today due to “scheduled maintenance.” Even the Zune Social and Zune Marketplace will be offline.


The FCC officially voted to hold another auction for the nationwide 700 MHz D-block spectrum, opening bidding this time at $750 million instead of $1.3 billion. The commission outlined a complex new plan with simultaneous rival auctions designed to attract bolder bids. The spectrum will be given up by the television industry and is intended for use by emergency responders during major incidents such as a hurricane or terrorist attack. A total of 20 megahertz are up for sale.
More bad news for Dish Network … AT&T announced it will be switching its bundled services agreement from Dish to DirecTV beginning Jan. 31.


The number of online households viewing video through a browser has doubled in the last year from 32% to 63%, thanks to increased broadband speeds and increased selection of premium content according to a new ABI Research survey. All forms of content are contributing to the rise of broadband video consumption, including long-form TV shows, and much of the longer-form content today is being watched by younger viewers. Nearly half of viewers under 25 and 53% of those aged 25-29 indicate they watch longer form content online once a month or more.
Worldwide IPTV subscriptions (defined as content delivered to end users’ TVs via a broadband connection) are set to grow 64% to 19.6 million in 2008, according to IT research firm Gartner, an increase of 64% from 2007. Western Europe is the region with the largest number of IPTV subscribers, on track to have 8.2 million subscribers in 2008 and expected to grow to 18.8 million subscribers in 2012. North America is the largest market for IPTV revenue, forecast to reach $2 billion in 2008.


CableLabs announced that CEO Dick Green, the cable technology group’s only leader since its founding 21 years ago, is leaving the organization after his contract expires in Dec. 2009. A search for a replacement is already underway. We’ll miss you Dick!


Saving the written word from distinction may mean adopting the old adage: if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em. Bellingham, WA-based author Clyde W. Ford is embracing digital technology to spur interest in his latest work, nautical thriller Precious Cargo. The author, a former IBM systems engineer best known for his writings on psychic healing and mythology, got Morgan Freeman to narrate a video trailer to promote the book virally. He also designed a new web-based app OnScene based on Microsoft’s Virtual Earth and Google Earth that maps locations from the book in two or three dimensions. Click on a pushpin icon to read about the history of the location. Click on a speaker icon to listen to Ford read a selection from the book set at that location. Click on a movie camera icon and a video pops-up with an interview of Ford or a celebrity reading from Ruby Lee or others. There are even live views from webcams located throughout the islands that Ford writes about.

Later — Wayne
 Wayne Karrfalt for Cynopsis: Digital

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