Friday, July 13th, 2007

Cynopsis: DIGITAL


Good Morning, it’s Friday, July 13, 2007 and this is your first early morning digital briefing.  And remember – Cynopsis is on vacation all next week, so the next edition will be on July 23rd.  Have a good week!


With all the major new gaming platforms already released, this year’s E3 is all about the games …
Microsoft demoed several blockbusters titles due out for the Xbox Live platform later this year, including the latest versions of Madden NFL (to be released in HD this fall), Grand Theft Auto (Oct. 16 release) and first person shooter Halo 3 (Sept. 25). These three titles are expected to account for a third of all new release sales in the U.S. during the second half of 2007, according to IGN Entertainment’s GamerMetrics. All but Madden NFL ’08 are Xbox exclusives.
Meanwhile, developers such as Activision, Eidos and Epic have singed on to the support the new Windows Live online gaming platform with nearly 30 new titles. Close to 10 million users worldwide are on the platform, according to Microsoft.
Not to be outdone, Sony unveiled more than 30 exclusive gaming titles for the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Portable consoles. Titles for the next-generation machine have been slow in coming, leading to disappointing sales. New versions of God of War, Killzone and Gran Turismo, as well as new franchises, help Sony stage a comeback. Sony also expanded the PS3’s hard drive to 80GB and announced a new sleeker, streamlined PSP design, 1/3 lighter and 20% slimmer than the current model. Sony executives presented at E3 both in person and as their virtual selves to promote PlayStation Home, the virtual world for PS3 users.
Nintendo‘s announcements for the Wii were again geared more towards casual and neophyte gamers, a strategy that has so far paid dividends. The company is planning some hardware upgrades to add even more physicality to its game play. A pressure-sensitive “Wii Balance Board” will enable fitness games and aerobic activities. The new Mario Kart edition will come with a steering housing for the Wii remote controller. Developments are also underway to improve play for hard-core gamers. The “Wii Zapper” will house two separate controllers to form a gun for first person shooting games.
MTV Games and Harmonix announced a new videogame Rock Band for the Xbox 360 and PS3, which will digitally distribute game levels based on classic rock albums. Like Guitar Hero, Rock Band allows gamers to play along, using controllers to play lead or bass guitar, drums and vocals. Who album Who’s Next will become the first offering. Electronic Arts is distributing the game in the U.S., Europe and Australia.
TV Guide launched an ambitious marketing campaign in support of American’s Next Producer, premiering July 18 at 8 pm ET/PT. Video content from the show will be distributed via AOL Video, YouTube, Google Video, Veoh and Brightcove. The company has also built a microsite for the show, featuring video featurettes of the contestants.


Brightcove launched a new London-based UK operation to expand its video serving, management and syndication services across the pond. The company also announced a deal with Hachette Filipacchi UK to power video channels for 8 of its women’s magazines beginning with the Viacom’s, set to launch later this summer, will include content focused on Black music, lifestyle, news, fashion, entertainment and community issues of the day. Brightcove has raised $82 million to date from investors including AOL/Time Warner, IAC/InterActiveCorp. and Hearst and is already working with major UK-based media programmers BSkyB, Sony BMG UK, Emap, and IPC Media.
Digital music distributor MusicNet changed its name to MediaNet to reflect its expansion into the distribution of music video, TV programming, films and audio books online. The company has licensed a catalog of 4.5 million songs and over 5,000 music videos.
Filmmaker-targeted website launched a new 6-part series called Bridging the Gap according to Variety, featuring interviews of veteran directors, actors and producers by emerging young filmmakers. Iklipz is headed by Arthur Cohen, former marketing chief for Paramount Pictures.
Next New Networks’ third channel offering Indy Mogul racked up one million video views in the month of June, according to the company. Indy Mogul’s signature show is Backyard FX, which shares special effect secrets with indie filmmakers such as recipes on how to make fake blood.


Warner Music
dropped the lawsuit it filed in May against social networking site imeem, choosing instead to license its entire catalog of music and video videos to the company in exchange for a portion of the revenue it generates. imeem launched a new ad supported music service in June that shares ad revenue with participating labels.  Warner stuck a similar deal with YouTube last year to avoid going to court.


Widget publishers Freewebs is launching a creative new widgetized advertising campaign for Universal Studio’s Knocked Up, encouraging fans to interact with the movie and its characters. A “Baby Maker” photo page allows users to upload a photo themselves and someone else to generate pictures of what their baby might look like if the two were to mate.
Widgetbox announced a new solution to automatically insert third-party paid ads into sponsored-content widgets. The widgets can be used to syndicate content throughout the web on blogs, profile and home pages. launched a series of sponsored widgets with advertising from Visa Small Business.
Contextual ad platform provider received $10 million in Series A funding from Redpoint Ventures and Gemini Israel Funds. works with partners such as Metacafe and thePlatform to analyze video content and serve relevant ads to users.


MySpace tried to set the record straight about its continued dominance in the social networking space with a detailed release of new comScore MediaMetrix data. The site gained 2 billion page views from May to June, and its users spent more than 200 minutes for the month on the site, ten minutes more per user than its closest social network competitor (presumable Facebook). MySpace’s demographic sweet spot continues to be 12-17 year olds, according to a new Forrester report. The researcher found 80% of this group checked their MySpace page at least once a week.



Studios may begin to employ listeners instead of readers. is a brand new service that creates an audio version of film and television scripts. Writers or producers simply upload a PDF version of their script and iScript appoints a professional actor to read it and create an mp3 file that can be streamed, burned to a CD or listen to on an iPod. The site was created by the folks at Roberts/David Films (Strangers with Candy) as way to utilize those extra minutes on the L.A. freeways.
Correction: Regarding the July 10 story on the new ad-supported area of Disney’s Toontown, the section is just an option for players.  Toontown still offers a monthly subscription of $9.95/month that includes an unlimited version of the game and expects the game will remain primarily subscription-based in terms of users.  Only the specific “free” areas of the game will be ad-supported (based on geography and functionality within the game.) We regret the error.

Later — Wayne
Wayne Karrfalt for Cynopsis: Digitals

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JOB OPENING: NAT’L TV BUYING SPRVSR/Major NY advrtsng agency: 6+ yrs exp. Cable & net TV. Train/sprvs buyers. Exp added value & promotions. IAG exp a +. Calendar yr end upfront advtsr. Dev Agency POV’s [email protected]   (7/27)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR, SLS RESEARCH & MARKETING/Fox/NY: Dvlp unique analyses & sls positioning; create TV sls materials & cross platform content extensions; 10+yrs ad/media research; Nielsen syst; strong comm; (7/27)

JOB OPENING: DIR DIGITAL MEDIA MKTNG/A&E/NY: Mng development & implementation of digital media mktg plans in support of consumer mktg efforts on net sites. 5+ yrs exp in digital media/adv mgmnt. Apply: (7/27)

JOB OPENING: ON-AIR PRODUCER/WRITER/EDITOR/NYC: qubo seeks a talented, creative individual w/ 5+ years experience promo/mktg to children. Final Cut Pro. Eng/Span a plus. Send resume, salary requirements to jobs[at] (7/27)

JOB OPENING: RECRUITER /NYC: Boutique executive search firm/media or recruiting experience req’d/motivated/excellent communication, research & computer skills/self-starter Apply: [email protected] (7/27)

JOB OPENING: SR PLANNING ANALYST: PBS KIDS Sprout (Centennial, CO) seeks a planning analyst with a minimum of 3-5 years exp. in traffic or scheduling. Children’s programming exp. pref. Req ID:50372 (7/27)

JOB OPENING: DIR PROD, ON-AIR PROMO/The History Channel/NY:Support activities in areas of budget & prod mgmnt, trafficking & procurement of graphics pkges. 5+yrs exp in prod mgmnt & creative plng. Apply:   (7/27)

JOB OPENING: WEB PRODUCER/ NYC: Exp. with kids online media. Innovative and highly creative. Manage creative dev’t & production, establish specs, wireframes, budgets & schedules. Lead external team. Reply: [email protected] (7/26)

JOB OPENING: PLANNER, DIGITAL MEDIA & INTERACTIVE SOLUTIONS/GSN/NY: 1-3 yrs ad sales exp. BA/BS. Knwldg of MS Office, online advrtsng systems, mkt rsrch tools and media math skills. Res, cover letter & salary hist: [email protected] (7/26)

JOB OPENING: SALES PLANNER/Superstation WGN, NY: Build proposals, steward deals, and support AEs. Requires 2 yrs industry exp, proficient in Media Math/Excel/Word. Dealmaker/BMS/Transact a plus. Send resume to [email protected] (7/26)

JOB OPENING: PRODUCER /Weather Channel/ATL: Highly motivated ind for Climate/Environment prgrmng.Strong storytelling, creative writing/editing skills, 3-5 yrs. exp at nat’l level pref’d.Some travel. Apply: (7/26)

JOB OPENING: COORD, ONLINE ADVERTISING/VERSUS -Stamford, CT: Coordinate all online advertising activities for 3+ yrs experience req’d. For more info and to apply please visit EOE (7/26)

JOB OPENING: RSRCH STRATEGIST/Discovery Nets, Silver Spring, MD: Develop/execute rsrch plans for new media & Emerging Nets. 3-5 yrs media rsrch exp; Nielsen exp, advanced Excel & Powerpoint a +. Apply: Req#5481 (7/26)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR, DIGITAL PRICING AND INVENTORY/MTV Networks/NY: 7+yrs exp in digital media and/or ad ops. Must be very analytical and strategic. Mgt exp req. EOE/M/F/D/AAP [email protected] or (7/26)

JOB OPENING: OPS MGR/Rainbow Media/NYC: Manage all post production activities including editing, encoding, & q.c. of programming for network, broadband and alt distribution. HD knowledge a plus. Resumes to [email protected] (7/25)

JOB OPENING: MARKETING DIRECTOR/Discovery Communications /Miami, FL: Direct brand mgmt; mktg strats, promotions, campaign budgets, media plans, staff mgmt. 7+ yrs Exp, Industry Exp a +, send Resume: [email protected] (7/25)

JOB OPENING: AD SALES OPS SUPV. – Discovery Communications/Miami, FL: 3+ yrs exp in network operations a must; previous mgmt. exp; analytical, effective communicator; bilingual ENG/SPAN. Send resume: [email protected] (7/25)

JOB OPENING: REGN’L ACCT DIR/Screenvision/Chicago: Dvlp/present/sell integrated in-theatre advrtsng & media prgrm campaigns to regn’l clients. 3+yrs selling media advrtsng exp. BA equiv work exp. Apply at (7/25)

JOB OPENING: RESEARCH DIR/Screenvision Cinema Net, NY: 8-10 yrs; Run sales resch, strong know of resch resources, Nielsen exp req, prim resch exp plus, TV bkgnd pref, Mgmt Exp req.Apply at (7/25)

JOB OPENING: ASSOC. MANAGER, AFFILIATE MARKETING & LOCAL AD SALES/NBC Universal/NJ: Must have BA & 2+ yrs TV Network Dist Sales & Mkting; Responsibility: Asst w/ promos & events. Apply: #611217 (7/25)

JOB OPENING: SALES PLAN’R/AETN, CHICAGO: Create Plans, steward accts, designate ADUs&recaps, coord make goods&post analysis prep. 2yrs exp pln’g or buyer.Exc comm skills.Client service mindset. Apply: (7/25)

JOB OPENING: ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE/MEREDITH VIDEO SOLUTIONS NY: Direct contact client sales of the Better. TV and Parents TV products. More at . Send resume to: [email protected] (7/25)

JOB OPENING: RES. STRATEGIST/Discovery Nets, NY: Min 5yrs Rsch exp. Proficiency in Nielsen systems req. Strong analytical/communication/computer/presentation skills. Estimate exp. a plus. Apply Position 5500 (7/25)

JOB OPENING: DIR DIGITAL MEDIA AD SALES-NBC UNI/NY: Assist and increase sales across NBC Universal properties. Degree w/ min 5 yrs related exp. keyword job#598623 (7/24)

JOB OPENING: DIR AD SALES MARKETING-NBC UNI/NY:Marketing and increasing multi-platform sales for Bravo. Degree w/ min 5 yrs related exp. keyword job#608413 (7/24)

JOB OPENING: DIR, INTEGRATED MKTG & PROMOTIONS/ABC Family, Devlpmnt & execution of multi platform mktg programs, Mgmnt of RFP process & Promo Bdgt,BA, 5-7 Yrs Exp, MS Office, Photoshop, MRI & CMR Req# 73810 (7/24)

JOB OPENING: RESEARCH FREELANCER/ LIFETIME TV NY: short-term engagement, 3-5 days per week. Must have 3+ years experience with Nielsen N-Power. Apply at: (7/24)

JOB OPENING: US DIR OF FINANCE & PROD ACCT’G/Chorion Silver Lining, Inc/NY: Oversee acct’g & reporting function in the US, prod accounting along w/corp oversight. Animation exp pref’d. Res/cvr ltr: [email protected] (7/14)

JOB OPENING: LINE PRODUCER/Chorion Silver Lining, Inc/NY: experienced line producer for animated children’s series. Email resume and cover letter to [email protected] (7/14)

JOB OPENING: MARATHON MEDIA/SANTA MONICA. For a PRINT MEDIA BUYER/PLANNER w/1-2 years exp. E-mail resume: [email protected] (7/14)

JOB OPENING: MARATHON MEDIA/SANTA MONICA. For an ONLINE BUYER/PLANNER w/1-2 years exp. E-mail resume: [email protected] (7/14)

JOB OPENING: ACCT EXEC/WorldLink NY: Sell Nat’l Cable advertising for general market, direct to clients/agencies and dvlp new business. Nat’l cable exp min 2+ yrs in sales. Resume: [email protected] (7/14)

JOB OPENING: MKTG/SALES PROMO COORD/Fox/NY:dvlp & execute sponsor partnerships (in-show integration, promotions, events) for FOX reality programming incl American Idol; 2+ yrs ad sales mktg or agency exp pref; (7/14)

JOB OPENING: SPONSORSHIP SPECIALIST-DISCOVERY LA: Mge devel & fulfill of Ad Sales Sponsorships on TLC/DSC/HOME. Support Mgr in execution of integrated mktg Sponsor. 3-5 yrs mktg/agency/prod exp. Apply: (req #5464) (7/14)

JOB OPENING: GROUP BUYING DIR/Spot TV-Active Int’l /Pearl River NY (15 miles NYC): 10 Exp+. in Supervising/Buying TV. Strong negotiating, operations & team bldg skills req’d. [email protected] 845-732-8943 (7/28)

JOB OPENING: SR. NEGOTIATOR/National Broadcast/Pearl River NY(15 miles NYC): Exp in all areas of Nat’l Broadcast placement. Strong analytical & presentation skills req’d. Resume: [email protected] or call 845 732-8943 (7/28)

JOB OPENING: SALES PLANNER: CBS is looking for a Sales Planner in our W/C Sales office. Interested candidates should apply online at and reference job 2120. CBS is EOE. (7/14)

JOB OPENING: MARKETING ANALYST/News/NY: Must have BA & 5 years exp. at agency; Responsibilities: Analyze spending patterns; develop/execute promotional concepts; run SMRB/MRI data. Apply: #604969 (7/14)

SUMMER INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. They are posted for free, and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at  [email protected] .

SUMMER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: Los Angeles Internet start up seeks intern. You will be responsible for every stage of the content development process from seeking, sourcing, proofing and publishing. [email protected] (7/27)

SUMMER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: SALES ASST, ADV SALES DEPT, ELMSFORD NY: Input orders for Acct Execs, search cable network websites for prog & promo info, power point presentations. If interested please email resume to akonecny (7/24)

SUMMER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: NY INTERCONNECT-TRAFFIC COORD/JERICHO NY: Intern will learn the fundamental aspects involved w/ trafficking TV commercials. Visit req id 3189 for more details. (7/24)


SITUATION WANTED: RESEARCH FREELANCER (3-4 days/wk, LA): 5+ yrs TV research exp, cable/broadcast/syndication. WRAP, Explorer, Npower, Simmons, StarTrak, Excel, PPT, Word. [email protected] (7/27)

SITUATION WANTED: 07 summa cum laude college grad, with internship experience in television production and public relations seeks a job at a television show or station. Please contact at [email protected] (7/27)

SITUATION WANTED: ENTRY LEVEL/CHI. Smart/creative college grad. exp. interning in TV programming/research, worker/quick learner/good attitude would open for all things Web site of work on net. [email protected] (7/25)

SITUATION WANTED: PRODUCER/WRITER/FIELD DIRECTOR. Reality; Entertainment; News; Magazine format; Excellent story teller. Three-time Emmy nom. LA based, willing to travel. [email protected] (7/25)

SITUATION WANTED: FILM APOC or POC– 10+ yrs exp. as TV Line Producer/Prod Mgr. switching to film seeks APOC or POC position. Recent work on major studio feature film. LA based. Please contact: [email protected] (7/14)

E-mail Trish Pihonak for rates and specs for Job Openings.

Are you looking for a job? Post your Situation Wanted Ad here — Email Trish Pihonak for specs.

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