Jeff Collins
Executive Vice President of FOX News Media Ad Sales
FOX News Media
What are three attributes that got you where you are now?
First, I have had some great mentors but also learned a lot from those I didn’t want to emulate. I try to lead by example, trust and empower those on my team. Lastly, I credit luck and being at the right place at the right time.
What advice would you give to someone who is looking to enter the market?
Too often we seek comfort and repetition in our careers but that can also lead to stagnation. Embrace change and discomfort as it’s the quickest way to grow.
Pre-workday, what is your morning ritual?
My morning ritual has been the same for 30 years. I start my day with a workout, eat a healthy breakfast then I read the trades.
What about your job keeps you up at night?
I’m blessed to work with a great team who value and respect one another. I sleep great.
In an industry brimming with information, what isn’t talked about enough?
Data and measurement…just kidding. The power of engaged fans at scale who value a brand. It’s easy to reach consumers on transactional media that they scroll or surf through mindlessly. When marketers reach audiences in highly engaged environments where they are fans of the content, results multiply astronomically.