This year, ONCE Mexico International is celebrating its 20th anniversary in US. General Manager Carlos Brito Lavalle talks about changes over the years at the network, and beyond.
How does reaction to programming differ in the US from Mexico?
Content is the king so what keeps us relevant is our original programming either for the local signal in Mexico and the curated line-up for the international signal in US. I think the difference is that here we reach to a more diverse audience of Hispanics interested in Mexico’s traditions, gastronomy, and natural beauty. Therefore, Once Mexico International is a reference point of Mexican culture for all Spanish-speaking families in the United States, while in Mexico we try to attract people who generally don’t watch TV.
A woman was elected president of Mexico. How will this affect the conversation about diversity, gender equality and inclusion within the media industry?
Mexico is a country where women have long suffered systemic violence, inequality, and cultural barriers so having a woman at the highest political level certainly sends a powerful message to the women and girls across the country, inspiring new possibilities for their futures. It is Mexico’s policy proposals, and their implementation, that will determine its impact on gender equality and inclusion not only in the media industry but also on the economic and political arena. On the other hand, for the United States, this milestone could serve as a catalyst for a renewed focus on the bilateral cooperation between both countries for gender equality and its internal battles for reproductive rights and gender diversity. One thing is clear, Mexico’s first female president will reflect on the benefits of diverse leadership and it could influence the political arena, encouraging a more inclusive approach. It will serve as a reminder of the importance of having a more equitable and cooperative world. That said, I see a strengthened Once México leading the dynamic TV industry with a growing, diverse, and receptive audience for programs that are increasingly pluralistic and adapted to our changing reality.
How has programming changed over the years?
At Once Mexico Internacional we understand the importance of communicating with our diverse audience, listening carefully to what is happening in the world, and ensuring meaningful connections between content and multicultural audiences in the United States. In these 20 years Once’s international television signal has evolved and positioned as Mexico’s cultural channel in US, and the only multiplatform digital channel from Mexico that offers the highest quality of educational and cultural content, and high social values, which highlight Mexico’s outstanding cultural heritage, such as its traditions, gastronomy, natural beauty, diversity, and plurality, among other things.