08/03/16: Instagram to roll out Stories section; Vevo gets Warner Music Rights; NFL to launch Snapchat Discover channel


Good morning. It’s Wednesday August 3, and this is your first early morning digital briefing.


Day-and-Date Release: A new film is said to receive a day-and-date release when it debuts simultaneously in theaters and on online distribution platforms. 2015’s Beasts of No Nation, which premiered on Netflix and in theaters on the same day, is one example.



Stop us if this sounds familiar… Instagram is rolling out Instagram Stories, a new section for sharing video clips and photos. Instagram’s stories can quickly be swiped through, and they disappear after 24 hours. The new feature, you may have noticed, bears a striking similarity to Snapchat’s Stories feature. (We can start with the fact that Instagram isn’t bothering to use a name other than “stories.”) In a conversation with Variety, Instagram Head of Product Kevin Weil argued that the stories format is simply a direction that the social media space as a whole is going to continue embracing. (“Stories is going to be a format that a lot of experiences are going to adopt over time,” he said.) A number of celebrities will be using Instagram Stories at launch, including Kevin Hart, PewDiePie, and Serena Williams. The Instagram Stories section will roll out for iOS and Android over the coming weeks.
The music video platform Vevo has finalized a distribution deal with Warner Music Group. (The New York Post reported last week that such a deal was in final negotiations.) Vevo can now distribute content from all three major record labels. Under the deal, Vevo will be able to distribute Warner’s videos on its own platforms, including its apps and website, but not on third party platforms such as YouTube and Facebook (which happen to be where Vevo gets most of its views). But perhaps what’s most important is where Vevo will be able to use Warner’s content in the future: Vevo is likely aiming to launch its own paid subscription service later this year.


According to a report from the market research firm BIA/Kelsey, only “one to two percent of the local spot television market [will] trade programmatically” in 2016. (BIA Kelsey estimates the local spot TV market to be worth $21.9 billion this year.) But the firm expects programmatic buying in the local TV market to grow more quickly after a few years. “Local television has a number of complicating factors to sort out in order to accommodate widespread programmatic adoption, beginning with a lack of measurement reportage other than age and gender, and different workflow software,” said BIA/Kelsey Managing Director Rick Ducey. “There needs to be integration of TV stations and platforms.”


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As part of a new multi-year extension to its partnership with Snapchat, The NFL announced that it will launch a channel on Discover, Snapchat’s platform for publishers. The NFL will be the first sports league to have its own Discover channel. The NFL’s Discover channel will feature news analysis and videos and be programmed by NFL Media. As part of the new multi-year partnership extension, the league will put out Live Stories for every game during the NFL season, including playoff games and the Super Bowl, as well as for major events such as the NFL Draft. The NFL and Snapchat will sell ad inventory for both the new Discover channel and the new Live Stories.
Funny or Die announced that it has shuttered its San Mateo, CA office and cut 30% of it workforce. The digital media company laid off a total of thirty-seven employees; 95 employees remain. “As we move into the future, we’ve decided to double-down and re-focus on making the kind of content that made us a household name in the first place,” CEO Mike Farah said in a statement. “To accomplish that, we’ve had to reorganize and reduce our staff.”


Big brother is watching – on multiple platforms, it would seem. CBS’s Big Brother is currently running its 18th season. But shortly after this season’s September 21 finale, a 10-week-long 19th season of the reality series will run exclusively on the CBS All Access SVOD service. The CBS All Access season will simply expand the Big Brother franchise, according to The Hollywood Reporter; seasons will continue airing linearly each summer. This is the third major content announcement for CBS All Access, and the first since Julie McNamara was named as the service’s EVP of Original Content in June. A new Star Trek series and a spinoff of The Good Wife will debut in 2017.


Along with unveiling the newest version of the Galaxy Note, Samsung has introduced the newest version of the Gear VR virtual reality headset. The new Gear VR comes with a wider field-of-view (101 degrees instead of 96). It’ll be compatible with both the new Galaxy Note 7 and existing Samsung phones. The new Gear VR (still $99) and the Galaxy Note 7 ($850) will be available on August 19th. Pre-orders begin today.


Submissions for the Digital Model D Awards and It List are due TOMORROW by 11:59 PM ET. Finish your entries for these prestigious digital industry awards before it’s too late!


Google is sending a small YouTube army to the Olympics. 15 YouTube stars, including Ben Brown, Chloe Morello and Felipe Castanhari, will head to Rio to live-stream parts of the Games, as well as other events across host city Rio de Janeiro. Meanwhile, Google will also send “Google Trekker” operators to capture 360-degree footage within Rio’s Olympic Park.


The ListenFirst Television Interest (TVI) Rating (TM) is a standardized measurement of the most buzzed-about TV programs on linear TV and streaming services. A complement to ListenFirst’s other syndicated data products (such as the ListenFirst Digital Audience Rating – TV), the metrics included in the rating are the purest form of showing interest digitally, since they’re organic actions that are largely unaffected by paid media. Programs that surface on the TVI leaderboards are the most hashtagged on Facebook, Google+, and Tumblr, as well as most searched for on Wikipedia (used as a proxy for organic search volume).
Streaming Series (7/25/16 – 7/31/16)

Source: ListenFirst. The TVI Rating aggregates metrics that measure organically generated activity by fans of the TV show. The metric includes total volume of official hashtag mentions on Facebook, Google+, and Tumblr, along with Wikipedia page views (as a proxy for organic search volume) for a show as a percentage of the total volume of the same activities for all shows.
To determine the TV ads generating the most digital response, iSpot.tv measures digital actions across Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and all major search engines. Below, a complete look at the brands that backed all four days of major-network coverage of the Democratic National Convention broadcasts.
“War Dogs and painkillers”
“Last week we gave you a partial (two-day) view of the advertising during the primetime DNC specials airing each night on ABC, CBS and NBC while the Philly convention was still going. Now the data for the full convention is in, and the top 5 advertisers by estimated spend across the three nets were: Pfizer (with an ad spotlighting its R&D efforts rather than a specific drug), Ancestry (plugging its AncestryDNA product), Warner Bros., Chrysler and Tylenol. Warner Bros. used its time to promote War Dogs, a Jonah Hill and Miles Teller comedic war film based on the true story of a couple of arms dealers who supplied U.S. troops in Afghanistan. Thanks to War Dogs, Warner Bros. scored 15.7% of the digital share of voice, but Ancestry was tops with 16.3%, with Mazda sandwiched between them at 15.9%. And, perhaps tellingly, two painkillers, Aleve and Tylenol, round out the top 5.” – iSpot.tv


The teen- and tween-oriented digital media company AwesomenessTV has made an important new hire. Samie Kim Falvey will serve as Chief Content Officer of the company’s upcoming premium video service, which it’s developing for Verizon. Falvey will oversee production, development, and programming for the service. She joins AwesomenessTV from ABC Entertainment, where she most recently served as EVP of Comedy Development and International Scripted Development.


Before creating the Netflix docu-series Chef’s Table, David Gelb directed a foodie-friendly documentary film. Which documentary was it? (Email [email protected] with your answer and be sure to include your name, company, city and time zone.)
Our Last Trivia Question: Sony’s upcoming virtual reality headset is called PlayStation VR, but it was known by a different codename when it was in development. What was it? Answer: Project Morpheus. Kudos to Andy Pittman-TAMU/TX, Jon Accarrino-KSL-TV/UT, David Westberg-SAG-AFTRA Federal Credit Union/CA, Jackie Ehrlich-Newsday/NY, and Tenley Murdock-Fox Networks/CA


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Come December, there will be a new drone on the market. But what makes the Staaker unique is that it can fly itself, following (and filming) its owner by tracking a wearable bracelet. Courtesy of CNET’s YouTube channel, check it out here.

See you on tomorrow,
David Teich

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